Emily Su

Emily Su

is on a computer


Emily Su is currently an undergrad at the University of Toronto. Her current interest lies in software and web development, human-computer interaction, information visualization, working with data, creative technology, and anything in between.

Currently emi.read.cv serves as a page to mainly showcase projects and publications Emily has worked on, the work she has done as a volunteer, and awards she has received.

Email: em [DOT] su [AT] mail [DOT] utoronto [DOT] ca


Persephone Hologram

Persephone is a rainbow hologram portraying the time of Greek mythology's Persephone on Earth and the Underworld and it was created in a team of 2. A master hologram was initially produced with a class 3B green laser to capture the scenes of the flower field and the underworld onto holographic film. Next, the master hologram was used to record our rainbow hologram.

Caution: This project was done after laser safety training using equipment at the University of Toronto. The process was done under the supervision of professionals knowledgeable of lasers.

Team: Elaiza Palaypay, Emily Su (me)


Conducted data analysis to classify confirmed exoplanets from the NASA Exoplanet Archive using the k-means clustering algorithm, which resulted in 3 potential subtypes being identified. The Safronov number for each exoplanet type was calculated as well to determine its relationship with planetary ejection. Tools used includes Python, scikit-learn, Pandas, Matplotlib, and NumPy.

Developed an interactive dashboard visualizing results from the data analysis using React, Vite, JSX, CSS, and Plotly.


An 8-bit game about struggling with loneliness and a star's last hour with ~400+ views and ~160+ browser plays. Created using JavaScript, HTML, Bitsy, and Procreate.


A web app with the goal of reducing food waste by locating nearby food rescues and finding recipes using given food items. Made using React, CSS, and SerpAPI. Hosted on Netlify and created high-fidelity wireframes on Figma.

Won 2nd place (college) and best domain name out of 96 projects (with 430+ participants) at SimpliHacks 2.0.


A web-based AI that learns how to play a game where 10 sheep—each being a neural network—jump to avoid obstacles using the genetic algorithm.

Built and designed using p5.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Toy Neural Network Library JS, Figma, and Aseprite.

Code: github.com/moonsdust/Shee…


A Java program developed using Object-Oriented Programming, SOLID and clean architecture principles that generates potential timetables for students based on their given requirements. Built program using Swing, Gradle, JSON.simple, and Jackson API, tested program with JUnit, and organized development through GitHub.


A colour changing web app that converts a number into metric and imperial units for length, mass, and volume. Created using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Code: github.com/moonsdust/metricimperialconverter


A cozy temporary counter for any of your needs. Created using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML with 3D model designed using spline.design.

Code: github.com/moonsdust/cozy…


Prototyped the UI and colour palette for Valence Discovery's open-science initiative website.


Built and designed team's website using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, UIkit, JavaScript, and JQuery. Collaborated using Github and Git.

Code: github.com/moonsdust/UHSR…


Website built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, and Drupal. Mockups and design elements created using Figma, Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, and Canva. Collaborated using Github and Git.


One of the pages for signing up for Unitic's treatment platform I had built. Built using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.


2022 — Now

Q-SITE Conference—an undergrad conference on Quantum Information Science and Technology

  • Developed a data visualization in a cross-functional team to group up similar consenting attendees using text embeddings and applying dimensionality reduction on survey data.
  • Led meetings with design team and assigning tasks to team members.
  • Attracted 300+ ticket sales to date (as of 2022) by creating graphics, promotional materials, and banners and contributing to building the website.
  • Facilitated talks and providing technical support during the conference.
  • Created 12 logo variations for Q-SITE Conference and created logos for Q-SITE Toronto.
  • Developed design guidelines for Q-SITE Conference.
2021 — 2022
Graphic Design Director at University of Toronto Quantum Computing Group
  • Built the group's website for the 2022-2023 school year.
  • Created information package, logos, and social media graphics for QuiP and QIS workshops during the 2021-2022 school year.

QuiP Information Package (full): drive.google.com/file/d/1FvtqDk…

2019 — 2021
  • Collaborated with the web development team of 3 to achieve ~1000+ views on the team’s website to attract sponsors.
  • Tested the performance and responsiveness of the website using Google Lighthouse and improved its performance to 85%.
  • Created graphics for social media and website, which have reached over 300 students across all grades.
    Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, UIkit, JavaScript, JQuery, Git, GitHub
2020 — 2021
Graphic Designer at Prospective Medical Professionals

Created graphics, logos, and videos for PuMP's national board social media pages and initiatives (@pumpprofessional) which has reached over 4900+ people across Canada.

Sample Projects: Created Logo for PuMP Digest, SciSection Radio Show Video, PuMP Digest Article

Side Projects

Maud Menten's Most Significiant Scientific Contributions

One of the pages of a website I designed and wrote discussing Dr. Maud Menten's most significant contributions created for my final project for a chemistry course.


the healer, nature. on yu, healing magazine

Photography featured in "yu, healing" magazine, a curation of written and visual work exploring hope and healing. All proceeds went to National Domestic Workers Alliance's Coronavirus Care Fund and Know Your Rights Camp COVID-19 Relief Fund.



Short article about how to write a research proposal in the biological, health, and medical sciences.



Won 2nd place (college) and best domain name out of 96 projects (with 430+ participants) at SimpliHacks 2.0 with Nourpact, an app to help others minimize their food waste.

McMaster University Award of Excellence Scholarship ($3000)

Scholarship awarded for being in the top 10% of applicants accepted to the engineering faculty.

Other Scholarships
  • University of Toronto Entrance Scholarship ($2000)
  • University of Waterloo President’s Scholarship ($2000)
  • Western Scholarship of Distinction ($3500)
Ontario Scholar from Ontario Ministry of Education

Awarded to high school graduates in Ontario who obtain an average of 80% or above in their top 6 best grade 12 courses.

Certificate of Achivement & Honour Roll from Unionville High School

Achieved 90%+ in a majority of grade 12 courses.


2021 — Now
HBSc - Statistics, Computer Science, Digital Humanities at University of Toronto

